Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Category: Analysis

Drawing on expert insights and industry indicators, Air Cargo Week will examine factors such as global trade dynamics, growing trends, innovative advancements, and engaging initiatives.

Asia’s freighter outlook

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region has long been a powerhouse of global trade, fuelled by robust economic growth, expanding consumer markets,

Joining forces in Asia’s freight forwarding sector

The Asia Pacific region has experienced significant growth in the aviation and logistics sectors over the past few years. With

Realigning Demand in the Asia-Pacific market

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region has long been a driving force in the air cargo industry, fuelled by robust economic growth,

e-commerce enhances economic integration

The air cargo market has witnessed a steady shift towards e-commerce over the past few years, with the sector becoming

Singapore’s strategic role

Singapore has long been recognised as a pivotal player in the global trade and logistics landscape, a status solidified by

Shanghai’s position

Shanghai boasts several significant advantages as an airport hub in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in terms of connectivity and density

Malaysian movements

While the last few years have been a rollercoaster for the industry, cargo has emerged as king in the face

Navigating the turbulence: The freight contract season

The recent contract season in the freight industry has been a rollercoaster, highlighting the volatile nature of the market and

Ensuring cargo compliance

Air cargo companies face a myriad of compliance challenges when it comes to dealing with global supply chains, from adhering

Inside ST Engineering’s Singapore base

ST Engineering recently opened the doors at its facility in Seletar Singapore. to a team of industry professionals and stakeholders,

Safe air transportation for animals

In a recent panel discussion at the 50th annual ATA Conference, industry leaders, including Sebastian Cosgrove from Air Canada Cargo,

Upcoming retirements to tighten narrowbody freighter capacity amidst growing e-commerce

As the freighter market has begun to stabilize after the return of passenger aircraft belly capacity, the drop in demand

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