Saturday, July 27, 2024

E-commerce is not the only driver of growth

So what is driving all this demand? With so much talk in the industry revolving around e-commerce, one could be forgiven for thinking this was the sole driver of air cargo at the moment, writes Donald Urquhart. “It has had a tremendous impact, and consumer demand for instant gratification for delivery coupled with a need […]

Yesterday’s outcast is today’s golden child

UPS launches new Billund to Cologne flight

While the air cargo pundits debate the intensity of the air cargo market in the months to come, one thing remains clear – maindeck capacity is very much in demand, writes Donald Urquhart. And while air cargo demand has moderated somewhat from last year and new obstacles – most notably rising fuel prices and the […]

Asia Pacific continues to rise as emerging markets open up

The current peak season may be stealing the lime light, but underlying it all has been a solid year for the industry and for one market in particular – SE Asia – air cargo supply chain executives are upbeat on the market’s solid future despite the challenges, Donald Urquhart writes. It is not hard to […]

Addressing gaps in pharma logistics the key to growth

There is no disputing the substantial growth of high-yield pharmaceutical traffic, but as more and more players join the bandwagon, are pharma shippers getting all they bargained for? Donald Urquhart writes. With an estimated $12 billion currently being spent on cold chain biopharma logistics, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts this figure will rise […]