Saturday, July 27, 2024

How AI can revolutionise airline distribution management

In recent years, there has been a surge of innovation efforts in aviation, driven by a need for sustainability, process optimisation, and cost-efficiency. However, there is one area of aviation that has yet to catch up with the rest of the industry – airline distribution management. Despite the advancements made in other areas, there has […]

Multinational consumer electronics retailer discovers ideal solution for labour intensive process

Discovering the best way to improve and optimise your packaging operation is always the right decision. For example, an American multinational consumer electronics retailer recently contacted Shippers Supply, a preferred Robopac distributor, to improve their end of line packaging process. Their key issue related specifically to how their shipping department was spending a high percentage […]

How AI and automation will transform businesses and revolutionise operations

The air cargo sector is facing increasing resource challenges and is struggling with its day-to-day operations, such as unreported cargo volumes, available aircraft space, freight capacity, facility space, handling and delivery. However, AI and data-driven decision-making offer a solution to these challenges and are becoming increasingly critical components of the end-to-end handling process. As cargo […]

Growth in AI application by 2030 might affect aviation sustainability

The emergence of new aviation technologies are redefining the aviation discourse, given their profound impacts on air transport systems. However, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has noted that most of these innovations may fail to produce the expected value and transformations in the air mobility landscape due to insufficient regulatory frameworks to guide their deployment. […]

E-freight is the past, the future is digital

E-freight is the word of the past, the future will consist of other technologies including big data, e-Cargoware chief executive, Ramesh Darbha (pictured) tells Air Cargo Week. He points out the e-freight was defined more than a decade ago, based on the technologies of the time. Since then, new technologies including artificial intelligence, distributed ledgers […]