Brussels Airport Company accelerates net zero carbon ambition to 2030

Brussels Airport Company accelerates net zero carbon ambition to 2030

Brussels Airport Company has dramatically accelerated its ambition to achieve Net Zero Carbon. By 2030, within under seven years, the airport operator aims to stop emitting all carbon dioxide. The previously announced new heating plant will already reduce CO2 emissions by almost 70%. In addition, measures will be taken to heat the buildings in the cargo area without emitting CO2 and the production of green electricity is being increased.

Brussels Airport Company has already been carbon neutral for its own emissions as airport operator since 2018. Green energy is used for all buildings and infrastructure managed by Brussels Airport Company, for its own operations as a company and for the fleet of company vehicles. The remaining emissions are offset by supporting green projects in Asia according to international golden standards. Brussels Airport Company had committed within the framework of ACI Europe to become Net Zero Carbon by 2050 at the latest (for scope 1 and 2), but that goal will now be significantly accelerated.

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“I am very happy to announce that we can dramatically accelerate our ambition to become Net Zero Carbon as a company. We had already committed to completely stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2050 at the latest, in line with the Paris agreement, while exploring options to achieve this goal faster. With the new central heating plant that will be ready early 2027 and other planned measures, such as additional investments in green energy production, achieving Net Zero Carbon will already be possible by 2030. An important step for the sustainable future of Brussels Airport.,” said Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company.  

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As previously announced, Brussels Airport Company plans to replace its central heating plant with a Net Zero Carbon installation by early 2027, to provide the airport’s terminal buildings with completely CO2-free heating. Replacing this installation with an innovative gas-free alternative will lead to a reduction of some 70% of Brussels Airport Company’s total CO2 emissions. Moreover, Brussels Airport will also switch to CO2-free energy for its buildings in the airport’s cargo area by 2030.

Additional solar panels will be added on the airport grounds and green electricity generated by wind power will be purchased. In combination with the standard use of sustainable fossil-free heating techniques in the construction of new buildings on the airport grounds, the full electrification of the company car fleet by 2026 and the further electrification of the service vehicles, this will ensure that Brussels Airport Company as a company will no longer emit CO2 by 2030 (scope 1 and 2). An accelerated achievement of the net zero carbon ambition to respond to today’s climate challenges. Thus Brussels Airport Company confirms its commitment to accelerate its efforts to make the airport more sustainable.

Picture of Edward Hardy

Edward Hardy

Having become a journalist after university, Edward Hardy has been a reporter and editor at some of the world's leading publications and news sites. In 2022, he became Air Cargo Week's Editor. Got news to share? Contact me on


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