Sunday, September 15, 2024

Little sunshine in the land of the yellow vests

France has been a troubled country lately, writes Chris Lewis. After a bright enough start, following his election victory, with President Macron’s labour market reforms getting ensnared in the ‘Gilets Jaunes’ protests towards the end of last year; economic growth is expected to fall to an unimpressive 1.7% for 2018. It remains to be seen […]

American Airlines Cargo expands in France

American Airlines Cargo had a good year in France during 2017, according to AA Cargo regional sale manager Kathleen Lesage. “In 2017, we carried over 20 per cent more freight than in 2016,” Lesage tells Air Cargo Week. “During our peak season, we operate roughly 84 flights a week to and from CDG. “Last year […]

AA Cargo flies French orchestra’s instruments to Latin America

American Airlines Cargo has transported musical instruments for the Orchestre Nationale du Capitole’s three-city tour of Latin America. 694 pieces of cargo including violins, cellos, double basses, three harps and a conductor’s podium were shipped from Paris to Buenos Aires on a wide-bodied flight, then on to Quito and finally Sao Paulo for the Toulouse-based […]

American Airlines Cargo extends European trucking network

American Airlines Cargo is extending its European trucking network to serve a greater number of customers connecting offline cities and online points with its 450-plus flights a week from Europe. The Netherlands, Germany and France all feed nightly freight into London Heathrow Airport operations, which operates 20 flights a day direct into the USA, with […]