Saturday, July 27, 2024
Hactl is not waiting to go green

Hactl is not waiting to go green

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals (Hactl) has marked the latest phase in its Green Terminal environmental programme with an event called “Don’t Wait Act Now”.

The event, which included a show of upcycled fashion modelled by Hactl staff, is designed to instil a sense of urgency over the need to take steps to reduce society’s environmental impact, illustrating how every individual can make a worthwhile contribution.

The highlight of the event was a parade of upcycled fashion created by a local fashion designed, in an evening featuring an interactive display, environmentally-themed games and a video about the production and installation of Hactl’s new communal water dispensers.

Over 300 participants including authorities, customers, business partners, Hactl staff and others attended the event, which was opened by Guest of Honour, Permanent Secretary for the Environment/Director of Environmental Protection, Donald Tong JP, and presided over by Hactl chief executive, Wilson Kwong.

Hactl senior manager – quality assurance, Benny Siu says ‘Don’t Wait Act Now’ is seeking to change the habits of staff, tenants and terminal users.

He says: “With this event and our recent actions, we are asking people to think about their personal impact on the environment, and to make small changes that can make a big difference. We hope that good eco habits nurtured in the workplace will travel home with our staff and be shared with families and friends.”

Hactl has installed 78 drinking water dispensers throughout SuperTerminal 1, and issued reusable bottles and food containers with cutlery to its 2,500 staff, and discouraged the use of plastic drinking straws, provided linen bags to replace plastic bags, and placed wooden recycling bins throughout its terminal.

One of Hactl’s aims is to eradicate single-use plastics from its facility, and environmental achievements include reusing or recycling 97 per cent of paper, 95 per cent of plastic and 68 per cent of wood.


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