Cargo volumes at Dubai World Central (DWC) have grown 0.8 per cent to 897,998 tonnes in 2016 with a surge in the fourth quarter.
In the fourth quarter, cargo was up 10.3 per cent 252,300 tonnes up from 228,770 tonnes in the same period of 2015.
Passenger numbers were up 84.5 per cent in 2016 to 850,633, and Dubai Airports chief executive officer, Paul Griffiths says: “After having emerged as one of the top 20 international cargo hubs, DWC is now growing steadily in stature as a passenger hub, and we are pleased with the growth in passenger traffic in 2016.”
DWC serves 27 passenger carriers, operating an average of 108 flights weekly to 44 international destinations and is home to 64 scheduled cargo operators flying to 138 locations around the world.