Beyond borders: How airfreight logistics are revolutionising global relocations

Beyond borders: How airfreight logistics are revolutionising global relocations

The idea of employees relocating to new countries is not new — companies have moved employees to different locations for hundreds of years. In fact, global relocation dates back to ancient times when merchants or traders sent agents to establish new routes in distant places.

It might not be a new concept, but in the last few years, global relocation has increased significantly, especially with the rise of globalisation.

With relocations increasing, there has been a demand for companies that can support people’s moves to new countries. That’s where airfreight comes in.

Historical context 

Modern global relocation can be traced back to the 20th century when businesses started expanding across various  regions and, as such, needed to move employees and families to those locations.

As corporations worked to establish new markets and take advantage of emerging opportunities, they saw the need for employees to be relocated to provide “boots on the ground” support and ensure these efforts were successful.

The growth of and demand for specialised knowledge has significantly contributed to the increase in global relocations. Many organisations diligently recruit talent from across the globe, willing to relocate employees to new locations and help plan their move to harness these specific skill sets.

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Airfreight logistics: A game changer

Airfreight or air cargo is a shipment of goods via an air carrier. Air carriers have played a critical role in globalisation and contributed to more efficient transport of shipments from one part of the world to another.

Airfreight logistics involves more than just the shipment of goods to be sold, though. It can also aid in the transport of people’s belongings when they relocate for a job.

Benefits: Airfreight logistics have changed the game when it comes to efficiently transporting people’s belongings from one location to another. The following are some of the greatest benefits associated with relying on air cargo:

Efficiency: One of the most significant advantages of airfreight shipping, of course, is the increased speed with which goods can travel. Compared to sea cargo, which has long been used to transport goods to overseas locations, airfreight is infinitely faster. 

Accessibility: Airfreight shipping is accessible in more locations than sea cargo. In many cases, it also doesn’t require additional infrastructure, such as railroads or trucks, as part of the delivery process.

Easier tracking: Many people who have relied on airfreight logistics have found that, in addition to increased efficiency and accessibility, this shipping model allows for shipment tracking. When it comes to airfreight tracking, carriers typically notify shippers at the point of departure and arrival at the destination airport.

Enhanced experience: Between increased efficiency and easier shipment tracking, airfreight logistics can provide a superior customer experience for both the employer and the employee who is being relocated to a new country. The sooner they are reunited with their belongings, the better.

Technological innovations

Numerous technological advancements have made airfreight logistics more sophisticated and efficient.

Real-time tracking: Many airfreight shipping companies utilise advanced tracking technology and provide real-time visibility of shipments. They use tools like GPS, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and data analytics to keep customers informed about their cargo’s location.

Predictive analytics: With help from big data and predictive analytics technology, airfreight shippers can also predict issues that might interfere with operations, cause delays, etc. As a result, they’re able to provide more accurate forecasts to customers and maximise efficiency for future deliveries.

Artificial intelligence: Airfreight logistics companies are also relying more heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms when planning routes, identifying air cargo capacity, and scheduling deliveries. With these technologies, they can identify patterns, predict disruptions, and implement proactive measures to prevent delays and ensure on-time deliveries.

Environmental impact

Airfreight shipping comes with unique environmental and sustainability impacts, both positive and negative. The following are some of the most noteworthy ones to keep in mind when considering this option for global employee relocations.

Fuel usage: When it comes to fuel usage, air cargo planes actually use less than cargo ships. Many organisations rely on older-model cargo ships as well, and these ships are less environmentally friendly and less equipped to filter out pollutants.

Carbon emissions: From a carbon emission perspective, cargo ships are the more sustainable choice. A common criticism of airfreight is that it produces more carbon emissions, contributing to the effects of global warming.

Challenges and limitations

While there are many benefits to airfreight logistics for global employee relocations, there are also plenty of challenges and limitations to keep in mind, including the following:

Economic challenges: Airfreight is still generally more expensive than sea cargo shipping. The added expense can be a sticking point for some organisations when it comes to paying to ship employee belongings overseas.

Regulations: The airfreight sector also has strict regulations that shippers must follow. These regulations, in turn, can create additional administrative headaches for organisations and their employees as they work to ensure they’ve abided by all of them. 

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As organisations continue to recruit employees from all over the globe and take location out of the equation when deciding whom to hire, the necessity of airfreight logistics will increase. 

Employers that are looking for more efficient solutions for relocating employees should certainly keep airfreight in mind, especially as they ramp up the number of global relocations they are facilitating.

While there are still hurdles to clear regarding reliance on air freight shipping, such as economic challenges and strict regulations, the increased demand will likely contribute to more and faster innovations in the industry. 

Picture of James Graham

James Graham

James Graham is an award-winning transport media journalist with a long background in the commercial freight sector, including commercial aviation and the aviation supply chain. He was the initial Air Cargo Week journalist and retuned later for a stint as editor. He continues his association as editor of the monthly supplements. He has reported for the newspaper from global locations as well as the UK.


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