AirBridgeCargo Airlines (ABC) has been issued Cargo iQ certification passing the International Air Transport Association’s quality standards.
The audit process reviewed ABC’s quality management programme, data analysis, customer service and interaction with suppliers. ABC was awarded the certificate following a two-day inspection, which is valid for two years. The airline has been an associate member of Cargo iQ, formerly Cargo 2000, since 2007.
ABC executive president, Denis Ilin says: “Compliance with Cargo iQ’s quality programme demonstrates to our customers that we are committed to providing a consistently high level of service that is measured in accordance with the industry standard.”
Cargo iQ executive director, Ariaen Zimmerman says: “AirBridgeCargo is well-known for its commitment to customer service and quality improvement. It is their natural next step to be measured by the leading industry quality standard and make performance measurement transparent and available to its customers all over the world. Not just being better, but being visibly better.”