Saturday, July 27, 2024
60 seconds with Saudia Cargo’s Joseph Notter

60 seconds with Saudia Cargo’s Joseph Notter

Joseph ‘Chris’ Notter is chief ground handling officer for Saudia Cargo. He talks about catching smugglers, being tattooed in Amsterdam, baseball bats and Guinness. We’re still waiting to know more about that particular car.

ACW: When you worked in Customs, did you catch any smugglers?
Notter: Unfortunately not as I was based in building 521 – so no smugglers there!

ACW: Who has been your biggest inspiration in your life?
Notter: Many – from hard working family members, especially my mother, my children, best friends and an extraordinary gentlemen – Dermot Gogarty – a special man who did so much for so many with so little fuss or need for acknowledgement. Truly inspirational and sadly taken too soon.

ACW: Do you have any motto or philosophy you live and work by?
Notter: Do it right the first time and pay attention to detail. People who enjoy what they are doing invariably do it well. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. It is up to you to decide what to do with them – so don’t waste your time. Enjoy your time and try and have a laugh at least once a day.

ACW: What did you want to be when you grew up?
Notter: Apart from a professional sportsman – a stockbroker.

ACW: What is the most interesting fact about you that we would not learn by looking at your CV?
Notter: Have to be careful here not to do a Theresa May and the cornfields story. Probably a story about how I came to be on a table with my son Joe at the Jonny Wilkinson farewell function – but that might take up too much space – so, I was tattooed in Amsterdam with two friends whilst not being in control of all my senses. Thankfully the tattoo does not take up too much space!

ACW: We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning £10 million. What would you do?
Notter: Apart from trying to find who lost it – if not successful, – clear all my family and close friends’ mortgages, organise a big vacation for many and thereafter surprise some people and remember those who helped me over the years.

ACW: If both a taxi and a limo were priced the exact same, which one would you choose?
Notter: A taxi – I know many and would always support them.

ACW: What’s your murder weapon of choice?
Notter: Strange question – But if pushed – A baseball bat – as it is more personal and so that it lasted a bit longer and gave me a workout at the same time – but only because you asked…

ACW: You’re on death row, what would your last meal be?
Notter: Baked Beans on cheese and toast and a strong cup of tea – and then a few pints of Guinness.

ACW: Coke or Pepsi?
Notter: Pepsi to please a Dubliner friend of mine.

ACW: Beer or wine?
Notter: Guinness.

ACW: BBQ or fine dining?
Notter: BBQ – the preparation, the interaction with friends and the smells – always good memories.

ACW: What would I find in your fridge right now?
Notter: A lot of surprises and a few shocks as I am working away from home and do not have my wife to look after me.

ACW: What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?
Notter: A particular family home would be the best as they hold so many great memories and luckily have increased in value. The worst would be some investments as ‘they can go down as well as up! As they always say…..’ and a particular car.

ACW: Are you afraid of clowns?
Notter: Having known and worked with a few – the answer would be no.

ACW: If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
Notter: Muhammad Ali – The greatest, fighter, wordsmith, strategist, ambassador and icon. Great sense of humour. The stories would be fantastic, the entertainment would be unique, the fact that he would do most of the talking – I would also enjoy the food and I don’t think we would be waiting long for the table!

ACW: What would your autobiography be called?
Notter: Why not?


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