Saturday, June 29, 2024
60 Seconds With… Rosa Bellanca

60 Seconds With… Rosa Bellanca

Rosa Bellanca is the International Media Sales Director of AZura International. With a decade of dedicated service to Air Cargo Week the world’s only weekly newspaper for airfreight professionals, plus its extended brand of products, she has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and trends of the air cargo industry. With a strong background within the international publishing business, her main role involves leading strategic sales and marketing initiatives, media product launches and expanding Air Cargo Week’s presence in key markets.

How did you get into airfreight/logistics?

I got into the sector in 2002 when I was offered the chance to a launch a new magazine, dedicated to the air cargo market, which back in those days a field that wasn’t crowded as it is now. I’m proud to say this publication is still going, like most of my past ventures! However, it hasn’t quite reached the level of success of Air Cargo Week!

How do you motivate your team?

I believe to be an open and approachable leader, I value the support from my colleagues and make sure how much I appreciate it. I lead by setting a good example and not afraid to roll up my sleeves as and when it is needed.

If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, who would they be and why?

Albert Einsten, his perspective on philosophy and human society which would lead to captivating discussions. Having The Dalai Lama join us would be incredible too, for his teachings for peace, non-violence and most importantly mindfulness, and my third guest, Oprah Winfrey, not only is she a pioneering woman in media and philanthropy, but because she inspires millions with her journey and insights.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Zip it”! Which honestly, it’s something I find challenging still to do at times.

What is something we would not know about you from your CV?

I am a qualified aerobics teacher.

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

Appeared on a TV show called Ready Steady Cook – and won the competition!

What hobby have you always wanted to try but never got around to?

I’ve always wanted to learn the Argentine tango. I imagine myself one day in Buenos Aires dancing with a professional at La Boca. It’s a dream I love to make into a reality!

Early Riser or night owl?

An early riser. I start my day at 6am and enjoy the calmness, before the day gets busy. 

What quote has most resonated with you?

Treat people the way you liked to be treated.

If there was a movie made about your life, who would you like to see play the lead role?

I think Jennifer Anniston would be a fantastic choice to play me. I see parts of myself in both her roles from “ The Morning Show” and “Friends.”

Who is your role model?

Growing up my mother was my role model. She consistently demonstrated strength, empathy and a dedication in helping others, showing me the kind of person I aspire to be.

Picture of Edward Hardy

Edward Hardy

Having become a journalist after university, Edward Hardy has been a reporter and editor at some of the world's leading publications and news sites. In 2022, he became Air Cargo Week's Editor. Got news to share? Contact me on


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